Pathmeda Gavyamrit - Gaumutra Ark 500ml

Gomutra Ark or Cow Urine Ark is great elixir,pleasing to heart, giver of mental, proper diet and physical strength, enhances longevity.Pathmeda Gaumutra Ark balances bile, mucous and airs. Remover of heart diseases and effect of poison.Today many AIDS patients are taking cow urine therapy.

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सर्व रोगनाशक व् खून में बढ़े कोलेस्ट्रोल तथा मोटापा घटाने में उपयोगी हे ! Gaumutra have one of the main content and is curcumin which make it useful in several vital deseases.

  • Effective in almost all disease from fever to cancer
  • Reduces Blood Cholesterol level
  • Reduces Fat
  • Helpful in migraine and headache.
  • Cow urine therapy are helpful AIDS patients
  • Cow urine contains many minerals especially gold salts, Copper etc. It compensates for bodily mineral deficiency. Presence of gold salts protects body against diseases.
  • Cow urine corrects functioning of liver. So, liver makes healthy pure blood.
  • It gives disease resistance power to the body
  • Due to excess use of any medicine leaves some residue in our body. This residue causes diseases. Cow urine destroys the poisonous effects of residues and makes body disease free.
  • Cow urine has miraculous power to destroy poision,It destroys the disease caused by poison (Toxin).
  • Regular intake of Cow urine Boost body immunity.
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