Listing Herbal Mehndi from the best brands of ayurveda.These Ayurvedic Mehndi are herbal and widely accepted.
Khadi Herbal Mehndi rejuvenates your hair quality.Apply Khadi Black Mehndi regularly to maintain the blackness of hair. Khadi Mauri Herbal Black Mehndi mask the grey and keep hair in good condition. Henna is the base ingredient for this Khadi Mauri Black Henna.
Khadi Manav Herbal Black Powder is one of the widely accepted among all institutions of khadi Black mehndi as it is totally chemically free
Khadi Brown Mehndi conditions & soften hair,fight dandruff and maked hair healthy. This Herbal Brown Mehndi from khadi add natural darkness to hair and shining as well. Khadi Mauri Herbal Brown Mehndi has no side effect and also very effective and simple in usage.