Regular use of Clay Pan get rid of acidity. Cooking in these Earthen Pan prepare digestive food and balances the pH value of the food. Acid present in raw food neutralised by Clay Kadai while cooking which ultimately detoxify the body and also helps to reduce body weight as well.
Listing variety of Clay Sauce Pan for your daily needs in kitchen. These Earthen Sauce Pan are unglazed and made on the princple of Rishi Bagbhatta. Clay Milk Pan add extra taste to the mlik boiled in it. It can also be used for beaverage preparation like tea or kadha and to boil milk in it. It aid ultimate taste to it with ultimate health benefits.
Clay Kadai / Clay Pan / Mitti Kadai has several health benefits.Regular use of clay Kadai get rid of acidity,cooking on clay pan prepare digestive food,Food cooked in a Clay Kadai has balanced pH value as acidity present in the food neutralised by clay while cooking which ultimately detoxify the body and reduce body weight as well.
This Clay Souce Pan can be used to boil 1LITRE of any liquid like milk,tea or arka.
This Clay Souce Pan can be used to boil milk. It can be used to prepare tea, arka and kadha. It is also good to prepare curd(दही)
This Clay Souce Pan can be used to boil milk. It can be used to prepare tea, arka and kadha. It is also good to prepare curd(दही)
This Clay Souce Pan can be used to boil milk. It can be used to prepare tea, arka and kadha. It is also good to prepare curd(दही)