Apamarg juice is very useful in teeth and gum disorders. Jeevan Ras Apamarg juice can also use in kidney diseases,gall bladder stone vaginal or uterus infection or diseases, acidity, itching, skin infection. Axiom Apamarg juice is useful in snake scorpion,rat and dogs bite poisons.
Chicory Juice is popularly used for treating diseases of hepatobiliary (liver and bile) and renal system, like washing kidney-bladder, liver diseases, jaundice, hepatitis etc. Kasni Juice also helps in Head ache, Indigestion, Chronic fever, general weakness, Hypertension, Urticaria, Gouty arthritis, Burning sensation, Insomnia,
Patharchur Juice is extremely effective in all kinds of stone. Patharchatta Juice get rid of gall Bladder stone even. Axiom Patharchur Juice helps to cure prostate and leucorrhoea as well. is Natural Anti-Opium Poison Solution. It helps to cure prostate, leucorrhoea as well.
Yonipushpa Juice has very effective in menstruation problems. Axiom Yonipushpa Juice works best in all kinds of uterus diseases.
Pushyanug Churna mostly recommended in Ayurvedic treatment of Menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia, Leucorrhoea, Menstrual disorder, Excessive menstrual bleeding of various aetiology. Baidyanath Pushyanug Churna is also found effectine in treating uterine infections and Haemorrhoids. This is good in diarrhoea, dysentry, grahani and raktapitta. Doctors also use this...
Baidyanath Supari Pak can work as a elixir for the female body during the pregnancy. It is an ayurvedic medicine treats almost every illness related to the female body.Baidyanath Supari Pak attends to healing of the female reproductive system and alleviates pre and post menstrual symptoms.
Methi Powder is antihyperlipidemics, anti-stress and hepatoprotectives by its core nature. Fenugreek Seed Powder is a proven anti-diabetics medicine. This Fenugreek Powder is extremely beneficial in any kind of problem related to cardiovascular system as well. Basic Ayurveda Methi Powder is popularly consumed by Diabetic patients.
Ashokarishta is a proper medicinal syrup for all menstural related problem like Irregular mense, dysmenorrhea, menstural cramps,and other related pain. Basic Ayurveda Ashokarishta also effective in dyspepsia, cure acne, improve vitality, strength, vigor etc.
Bio Chance a herbal blend for the treatment of functional gynecological disorders like excess or irregular menstrual bleeding, pain during menses, white discharge, backache, burning in hands and feet, weakness.Basic Ayurveda Bio Chance has effective result in case of Dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, amenorrhea, leucorrhea, infection in urinogenital tract.
This Wheatgrass with Honey is extremely rich in protein and contains 17 amino acids which considered as a building block of protein. Basic Ayurveda Grass Meal Juice known as perfect healer and can be used for cancer, anemia, diabetes,carcinogenes in the body,improve digestion,constipation, infections, skin conditions, ulcerative colitis and joint...
Gulkand is a kind of Rose Petal Jam. Gulkand is a powerful antioxidant and a very good rejuvenator. This Gulkand with Prawal pishti has cooling properties, thus it is beneficial in alleviating all heat related problems like tiredness, lethargy, itching, aches and pains. Gulkand also helpful in cardiac problems
Sundri Kalp regularizes the menstrual cycle and builds up strength and stamina of women.Sundri Kalp resolves the primary and secondary menstrual problems as well.Basic Ayurveda Sundari Kalp is to keep women fit and active throughout the month.
Supari Pak a revitalizing tonic for womans physical weakness, facial paleness and anemia. It is a unique widely known herbal medicine for the treatment of leucorrhoea.Supari Pak a revitalizing herbs for female reproductive system.Supari Pak is an old formula which has successfully been used as an effective remedy of the diseases of women.
Dabur Ablari contains reputed Indian drugs like Ashoka, Valerian popularly known for their sedative and beneficial action on the uterus. Ablari Dabur is frequently recommended in case of menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, post-partum hemorrhage, dysmenorhoea and primary amenorrhoea.
Patanjali Swet Mushli Churna is the great herbal formulation to improve body immunity.Swet Mushli Churna is a great aphrodisiac and safe herb to boost up body energy and any kind of male sexual disorders. Patanjali Shvet Mushli Churna also increases the sperm count and dicreases libido
Nari Sanjivani effective in leukorrhoea (swet pradar), menorrhagia (rakt pradar), menstrual irregularities, back pain during periods. Pathmeda Nari Sanjivani natural remedy helps to balance the hormones and promote normal functioning of sexual organs.Gavyamrit Nari Sanjivani is a complete and wonderful herbal product for women specially during periods.
Ashwagandha Churna contains natural herb which improve memory and brain power of the body. Swadeshi Ashwagandha Churn also helps to increase the sexual power by providing natural nutrients to the body cells. Ashwagandha Churn is normally used as an aphrodisiac, to improve energy levels. Swadeshi Ashwagandha Powder can also be used in certain neurological...
Swadeshi Ashokarishta work as a best regularizer for female menstrual cycle. It also control leucorrhoea. Swadeshi Ayurveda Ashokarishta provides beauty and glow of face by enhancin the blood formation. It is beneficial in pain during menstrual cycle
Swadeshi Chandraprabha Vati is widely known herbal medicine for urogenital disorders,pancreas disorders,diabetes,mens and womens health problems as well. It Corrects sexual disorders and disability. Swadeshi Ayurveda Chandraprabha Vati also Corrects premature ejaculation and night fall. It Relieves painful and burning micturition. It Controls diabetes and...
Ashol Tablets an unique herbal formulation known to cure Leucorrhoea, Menorrhagia, Energiser Tonic. Vyas Ashol Tablets prevents habitual abortion and makes uterus & overies healthy. It also improves libido by checking dyspareunia .
Ashol Syrup is an complete female tonic corrects Leucorrhoea and reduces pain menstruation . Vyas Ashol Syrup removes debility of uterus & ovaries. good for infertility & build up stamina & strength.