Herbal medicine for Burning Sensation of Stomach
Sutshekhar Ras helps to reduces symptoms like heartburn, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, epigastric tenderness, hiccup, fever, breathing troubles, headache etc. Baidyanath Sutshekhar Ras mainly acts on PITTA DOSHA and clear the digestion issues from root
Avipattikar Churna is the complete herbal blend to Hyper Acidity in digestion & Heart Burn. It is widely used for controlling the pitta dosha. Dabur Avipattikar Churna act as a very effective cleanser for the digestive system. Avipattikar Powder control acid secretion from stomach walls & helps in easy & timely movement of food from stomach to intestines.
Dhootapapeshwar Vasant Kususmakar Rasa mostly used in Prameha, Madhumeha and its complications. It is excellent Rasayan, Vajikaran and Saptadhatuposhak yoga. It also relieves nervine irritation as well as a good haematinic. It is known for its aphrodisiac property as it invigorates Sexual ability.
Udramrit Swaras frequently used in the treatment of Constipation, Acidity, Indigestion, Ulcer, Irritable Bowel syndrome, Gas Trouble and Loss of Appetite. Herbal Canada Udramrit Weakness & Swelling of Liver, Spleen, Intestine
Patanjali Pachak Jaljeera work very beautifully in increasing digestive system and Patanjali Pachak Jaljeera also a great refresher. Patanjali Pachak Jaljeera helpds to digest everything. Patanjali Pachak Jaljeera can be use as a daily digest medicine. Patanjali Pachak Jaljeera is very useful to detect all kind of digestive and acidetic problems.
Karela Churn is the best natural remedies to maintain healthy blood sugar level, cholesterol level, triglyceride level.Karela Churn can be in skin diseases and kidney stone as well.Swadeshi Karela Churn is also usefull in obesity,poisoning and fever.
Swadeshi Kumaryasava Ayurvedic Medicine is great in digestive problems. Swadeshi Kumaryasava helps to prevent the stomach related desease. Swadeshi Kumaryasava activate liver and spleen,improve red blood cells production,stops constipation, piles. Swadeshi Kumaryasava regulates menstural disorders,enhance the appetite,,immunite body. Swadeshi Kumarysava...
Vaiswanara Churnam is an ayurvedic formulation used in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, constipation, and diseases of digestive track. In Sanskrit Vaiswanara means fire. Hence this product is useful to correct digestive fire (system).