Baidyanath Vridhiwadhika Vati

Vridhiwadhika Vati is herbal blend extremely useful inguinal hernia, intestinal hernia, hydrocele, etc. According to ayurveda, it mainly acts on VATA DOSHA.

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The dosage of Vridhivadhika Vati described in Bhaishajya Ratnavali is about 4 grams, which is not tolerable. The higher dosage produces severe nausea, vomiting, restlessness, reeling sensation and anal fissures. Therefore, 375 mg is maximum tolerable dosage for most people.

The images represent actual product though color of the image and product may slightly differ. All our collection are made on the basis of information collected from diffrent sources like some popular blog, forums and indication mentioned on the product wrapper. So, all the herbal medicine should be used under Medical Supervision only.

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