Livon Silky Potion

All over the world, having perfect hair, has always been a dream of every woman. The idea of perfect hair sounds nice but it is not easy to have such hair. There are various problems that our hair has to grapple with.

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All over the world, having perfect hair, has always been a dream of every woman. The idea of perfect hair sounds nice but it is not easy to have such hair. There are various problems that our hair has to grapple with. Our hair is often affected with issues like dryness, dullness, frizziness, and tangles. All these problems prevent hair from sporting look that is always desired. To relieve hair from these issues, Paras Pharma has come up with a hair serum called Livon Silky Potion.

Livon Silky Potion has been crafted with Vitamin E and a special formula called CutiSoft. These two elements fuse to create dream hair of yours. This hair serum works wonderfully on all hair types. Post wash, Livon Silky Potion has to be applied on wet hair. Once the hair follicles are applied with this serum, the inherent ingredients start weaving magic on your hair from its roots till its tips. The CutiSoft formula works effectively to release knots from hair and to give your hair a tangle free look. You can now comb your hair without any worries and managing hair is thus, no longer problematic. Livon's potion not just makes hair knot free, it also helps to control breakage of hair. The hair is coated with a shiny shield by this hair serum and this gives protection to your tresses. Hair feels soft and is bestowed with a natural sheen. 

The images represent actual product though color of the image and product may slightly differ. All our collection are made on the basis of information collected from diffrent sources like some popular blog, forums and indication mentioned on the product wrapper. So, all the herbal medicine should be used under Medical Supervision only.

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